
If you are feeling frustrated, worried or sad that you and your teen aren’t communicating, are constantly fighting or have lost the loving relationship you once had, you’re not alone. This is something that happens to so many relationships during the teen, or preteen, years.

There are so many things going on in their lives during these years. They want more independence and freedom. Their bodies are changing, they aren’t sure who they are, or who they want to be yet. They wonder if they’ll have friends, be successful and even make their parents proud. They have lots of fears and I’m sure you have some of the same fears for them.

You want them to be happy, successful and feel good about themselves. That’s understandable because you care for them so deeply. You’re trying to help but it’s not working. They’re drifting farther and farther away. Maybe they are often angry and don’t talk to you anymore. It’s heartbreaking.

It doesn’t have to be that way though. Your child loves you and want’s your approval (even if they say they don’t care).

As a mother, and certified life coach, that understands and loves working with teens, I have helped dozens of amazing teens, and their parents.

I can help you too.

My Five Step Process

During the Relationship Reset Process we will work together to first figure out what’s going on. Then I will help you create a detailed vision of your new relationship. We will talk about why some things don’t work for your particular child.

I will help you see things differently and give you some tools and techniques that will help open the lines of communication, understanding and cooperation.

I Know…

  • That you want and deserve to be happy, and that your children deserve to have a happy mother
  • You are doing your best when it comes to parenting, but life and stress get in the way. Sometimes we need help to refocus
  • Outside pressures can create self-doubt and negative consequences
  • Many of the ways we’ve been taught to parent don’t work and they need to change
  • Our main job as a parent, is to raise independent, confident adults that believe in their own self-worth
  • When there’s friction in a relationship, your teen wants it fixed as much as you do
  • You can make miracles happen, this I know for sure

Why Work with Me?

Candice Ricketts, M.A., CPC

My mother was English and my father was in the US Air Force. Because of this, I grew up living in seven countries. I even met my husband while studying in Greece. 

The way I was raised, my exposure to many cultures along with my coaching experience and parenting research have contributed to my unique parenting style.

I tend to break most of the rules that traditional parents follow and I’ve learned to trust my intuition when it comes to raising my kids. Both of my teens are very confident, kind, open minded and easy to get along with. Don’t get me wrong. We do have occasional battles and I do make mistakes. Everyone does!

But at the end of the day, I go to bed knowing that I have a deep connection with my children and they know that they can trust me and come to me with anything that’s bothering them.

Before studying to become a certified life coach, (through the internationally known coaching school, iPEC) I knew that I wanted to help teens and their parents.

A couple of years ago, I opened a 4000 sq. ft. club for teens in Michigan. My vision was to have a place where teens could build their confidence and connect with other teens. I also wanted to help them learn about themselves and figure out what they wanted their futures to look like.

I had so many wonderful parents that allowed me to coach their teens in group coaching programs. I had multiple teens with social anxiety, some that were being bullied and some that were self-harming. I learned so much of what teens are going through these days. It’s a lot!

I also talked with many parents, mostly moms, who had lots and lots of concerns about their teens. I learned about the frustration and fears that many of them had. They loved their kids so much and really didn’t know how to help them. Honestly, sometimes their concerns weren’t necessary and were brought on by comparing them to other kids or by what the schools have said etc., so I was able to ease their stress.

My intuition and knowledge, as well as my ability to understand and communicate with teens, has allowed me to sustain a close relationship with my own two teenagers. These are the some of the tools and techniques I will share with you so that you can create that same bond with your child.

Client Testimonials

Thank you so much for helping my daughter when she was having such a difficult time in a new school. Ana came home crying unconsolably every day. It broke my heart to see her that way. She was not accepted by the other kids in her new class. They made fun of her and were very rude to her. She felt lonely and scared. It was hard for her to go to school every day and she wanted to go to another school which was really impossible.

I’m not sure what you talked about with her but after one session with you she totally changed her mind. She made the decision to stay where she was! Now she is so confident and self aware. She is happy and seems to feel very powerful! I can hear her singing in her room the way she used to. I love her new found confidence, strength and courage and I will be forever grateful to you!


When I first started my sessions with you, I was very overwhelmed in so many areas of my life that I didn’t know where to start. I was very anxious and was dealing with so many negative things; I felt stuck. You helped me put everything into perspective and decide which things to take care of first. Our weekly sessions made me accountable to tackle the problems once and for all. I started moving forward andI started reaching my objectives faster than going at it alone. It was extremely helpful to have all your encouragement and support. I truly appreciated it and felt listened to and understood. In addition, through talking to you, I was able to identify and accept a solution that was right in front of me all along. I feel so much relief and I’m excited for the future once again. Thank you Candice!


We Can Fix This Together

If you’re ready to start the journey towards a wonderful, new relationship with your child make an appointment to speak with me today! The consultation is free so we can both decide if working together will get you the results you desire and deserve.

Click on my calendar below to find a time that works for you. I look forward to talking to you soon!